NFL 2017 Season
View Grand Prize Results To Date
Download Football Chance Demo Program
All decisions in the software start with the Main screen. Items that are completed
from this screen are printing the back of tickets, calculating winners, and
letters to winners. The other screens are called from here, except for
the Prize screen, which is called from the Update screen.
The front of the ticket is generated from this screen. Data entered on this
screen are the sponsoring organization's name, sport, season and league, and an
information line. Also entered here is the ticket size that will be used. This
data is then saved for use by the program.
Supplied by the programs' saved inputs are the rules, a list of prizes paid,
cost of each ticket, and odds of winning any prize.
Also, on the end of every ticket, a stub for entering the buyer's name, address,
phone number, and the seller's name is provided. The stub must be perforated
for easy removal by the ticket seller.
The following data is entered on the "Update Annual Data" screen: the random
generator initial seed, the regular and playoff season week ending dates,
the team names, and the numbers of the tickets not sold. This data is then saved
for use by the program.
This is where your organization decides the amount of prize money to pay out.
The screen is interactive, and various payout possibilities can be examined. Your
organization determines what to pay in prize money versus the profit that will
be made. This data is then saved for use by the program.
All manipulation of data files are accomplished from this screen. At the end of
a season, the completed data file can be saved. A saved file can be restored to
review a previous seasons payouts or as an "initial setup" for a new fundraiser.
Files may also be deleted and renamed.
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